Thursday, April 28, 2011

Kristy's Voicethread


I thought you did a great job with your Voicethread presentation! Reflecting on your blogs was a great idea and I felt as if I was learning new things while listening to you! I too felt very overwhelemed with this course in the beginning of the semester but once things started progressing I definitely felt better about the class. Being introduced to so many new technologies in a small period of time is not easy, even for teachers! You sounded very fluent in your presentation and you really proved to your audience how much you learned and love blogging. I was also forced to use new technologies in my 402 classroom and I couldnt have been more excited to use something I was recently introduced to in CEP.

I thought it was a great idea for your first graders to use blogging but I might be a little hesitant at first because they are SO young. Having them all put their thought down on a blog would be really beneficial for the class especially if you have the resources available. I also thought it served a great purpose for children who may have missed that day. Like you said, instead of them miss the material they can jump right onto the blog to see everything!

Overall, great job this semester and with your presentation. I hope you stick with blogging because you seem like you really enjoy it and it is a great place for us to voice our opinions. I hope I can keep up with it but I feel so overwhelemed from other classes. I think once things slow down I'll be able to update/add some new posts but not right now :)

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