Sunday, April 3, 2011

Google in the classroom..

Google Docs and presentations would be great for integrating into the classroom because it provides students with a new and interesting way to share their ideas, view and edit their peers work, and they can access these from any computer. Because I am an elementary education major I would have to integrate this into the classroom of young students, but because Google makes it especially easy I would feel comfortable introducing this tool to my students. Like the blog I had previously posted, I uploaded a presentation that I could share with my students. I would show this presentation before my class went to the zoo for a field trip. Instead of carrying my computer everywhere I would be able to make this presentation from home, upload it to a Google presentation, and then access it from the classroom computer.

If I were to introduce this to my students I think one of the first tasks I would have them do is to edit their peers work. After students upload a rough draft document, share it with their group members (that I would assign) the students could work on editing their group members documents, similar as what we did with our resumes. After a couple days of strong peer editing, the students could finalize their papers and submit them. I think this serves as a great introduction because the students get the feel for exactly what a Google Doc is and how it helps us share our ideas to everyone.

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