Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Google Docs

Of course the week after we discuss Google Docs I find a great website which goes through some of the features of Google Docs. The article starts out by saying "As college students, we survive by collaborating. We work together on group projects, form study groups, and share advice about the toughest professors. Despite all this, it occurred to me that nobody really works together to take notes. I'm not talking about sharing notes with your buddy who was too hungover to make it to class, I'm talking about actually working simultaneously on the same set of notes during a lecture. Some of us are slow typists, others have moments where we tune out the teacher to daydream (or check Facebook), most of us struggle to keep us with fast-talking professors. So why limit our class notes to what we as individuals are capable of writing down? Aren't two brains better than one?"

Check out this link: http://www.hackcollege.com/blog/2011/3/30/use-google-docs-to-tag-team-class-note-taking.html to get some extra tips when using Google Docs. It's such a great tool!

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a great idea to collaborate on notes-ideally. It would be nice for those moments where our brain takes a vacation and we snap back into reality realizing we just missed everything our prof said. But, realistically, would this work for all students? If we took a class together, my methods of thinking and analyzing may not be similar to yours. If I jot down a note saying...online work TBA, topic TBD, wait for notice. Will you know exactly what that means, what I am talking about, or where your thinking was when this was announced? I like the fact that we can rely on others to relay information, but personally I feel like it would be difficult to know the context of someone else's note taking.
