Saturday, February 26, 2011

Integrated Tech. Lesson Plan

I really enjoyed using the tools to make a digital story, so I would like my students to use this technology to make a mini-lesson that they will present in front of their classmates. This mini-lesson will be for third grade, and will be focused around health. I will divide the class up into four groups, and give each group a topic (which I chose from the third grade GLCE's). These topics include 1) explaining the benefits of positive friendships 2) describing characteristics of safe and unsafe places 3) describe ways people help each other. With my help, each group will form a digital story that they will present to the class. The digital story should contain about 4-6 pictures and everyone in the group should be given the chance to explain or talk. This lesson would require us to have at least 3 computers in the classroom. Each group will develop a plan, research their topic on the internet using search engines, and put all their thoughts and research together into their story.

I think this technology goes well with this lesson because it gives all the students a chance to learn about developing a digital story as well as using this technology to teach others about something important. As a teacher I could easily cover these three topics, but I think it would be fun for the students to do it themselves.

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